FREE Premium Subscription for 1 month

Kode: AAD1-4421-A21E


Please do as follows to activate the Subscription:

1: Open the Menupoint: /Configuration/subscription


2: Click on the icon Try Premium in top right corder

3: Type the QR-code or click on the icon to scan the QR-code.


4: Click on OK to accept the code  


5: Click on OK to Accept the Premium Version.


All Family Members have now access to all the extra advanced functions in the Premium Version.


Download our Free Family App

Daysi Family App has large number of advanced functions

in the Freemium Version 

We also have a Premium version that costs USD 3.99/month. for the WHOLE family with a lot of extra function.
Read more here.:
Family Calendar
The Family Calendar is one of the core functions of the App.
All types of Family appointments can be created and the whole family or individual family members can be invited to an appointment. There is both a Month overview and a Week overview that quickly gives an overview of the Family's appointments and tasks.
Pocket Money
Parents can easy and quickly create various Pocket Money tasks via different templates, and then when the children have completed a task, they payout is done in a "digital wallet". Deposits and /withdrawals to/from the digital "Wallet" can also be donw quick and easily.
Birthday / Anniversary
Birthdays and other anniversaries
can be created on specific days in the calendar. Alarms can be configured on these special agreements so that you receive a notification before the day.
Month Overview
The monthly overview is used to provide a quick overview of all the family's agreements. There is both a combined calendar for the whole family and for each family member. Each family member has its own color and it is easy to filter the overview between the individual family members.
Week Activitylist
The weekly overview provides a more detailed overview of all the family's appointments from current data and onwards with more specific information about each individual appointments - e.g. description, participant, location etc. The Overview can show all appointments for the whole family and for a single Family Member.
When a new agreement is created, all participants receive a notification on their phone. In addition, alarms can be configured on an appointment so that you can receive one or more notifications before the appointment begins.

Download our Free Family App

Family Calendar
The Family Calendar is one of the core functions of the App.
All types of Family appointments can be created and the whole family or individual family members can be invited to an appointment. There is both a Month overview and a Week overview that quickly gives an overview of the Family's appointments and tasks.
Pocket Money
Parents can easy and quickly create various Pocket Money tasks via different templates, and then when the children have completed a task, they payout is done in a "digital wallet". Deposits and /withdrawals to/from the digital "Wallet" can also be donw quick and easily.
Birthday / Anniversary
Birthdays and other anniversaries
can be created on specific days in the calendar. Alarms can be configured on these special agreements so that you receive a notification before the day.
Month Overview
The monthly overview is used to provide a quick overview of all the family's agreements. There is both a combined calendar for the whole family and for each family member. Each family member has its own color and it is easy to filter the overview between the individual family members.
Week Activitylist
The weekly overview provides a more detailed overview of all the family's appointments from current data and onwards with more specific information about each individual appointments - e.g. description, participant, location etc. The Overview can show all appointments for the whole family and for a single Family Member.
When a new agreement is created, all participants receive a notification on their phone. In addition, alarms can be configured on an appointment so that you can receive one or more notifications before the appointment begins.

Please write to us if you have any Questions, Feedback
or New ideas for the App

Get help quickly by looking at these instruction videos


We have created a number of different videos that quickly gives you an understanding on how the different functions works.

Tap on the picture below to jump to the specific section…..

General Configuration of Daysi Familie App

The videos below describes shortly how you can configure the different parts of the Daysi Family App. 

General configuration of the App
How to create a new Family Member
How to change a picture for a Family Member
Create an Appointment in Daysi

Short description on how to create a new Appointment in Daysi.

Create a new Appointment
Daysi Pocket Money

One of the new function in the Daysi Family App is a Pocket Money feature where children – and other family members, can earn pocket money by performing various tasks.

The function is 100% integrated part of the calendar so Pocket Money tasks are created and handled in the same way as appointments.

We have made the function very flexible, so it is possible to configure a number of different parts – e.g. who can create Pocket Money tasks,  who can earn Pocket Money, Currency (money or points).

Pocket money tasks can also be created for one or more Family Members at the same time, a Task can be repeated,  and you can also choose that it is the Family that earns pocket money.

The function is part of Daysi v.5.0 – which will be released in week 48.
Quick Guide to the Pocket Money fuction
How to create a Pocket Money Task
Configuration of the Pocket Money for the Whole Family
Configuration of the Pocket Money for a Family Member.

One of the new features in the Daysi Family App is a feature where tasks can be created either for your own task list – or created for another family member.

The function is an integral part of the Daysi App so you can easily the the ToDO tasks in the Activity List & Monthly overview.

We have made the function very flexible, so it is possible to configure a number of different parameters; 

– Who in the family, can a family member create a task for.
– Which other ToDo lists can a Family Member see (for example, should the children be allowed to see the parents’ to-do lists)
– “The family” also has a ToDo list – can e.g. used for shopping list etc.

All tasks are assigned to a group so you can easily see what type of tasks you have.

The feature is part of Daysi v.5.0 – which will be released in week 48.

(Videos will be released soon) 

Quick Guide to the ToDo Function
How to create a ToDo Task 
ToDo Groups

Short description on how to create and edit existing ToDo Groups.

The ToDo Groups are used for grouping the different Tasks to make et much easier to get an overview of all tasks.

IMport Appointments from External Calendars

THis is a shor description on how to import appointments from other external calendars like – TeamSnap, TeamCowboy etc.

Print-out the Week Calendar

Short description on how to print-out the Week Calendar on paper.

Standard Pocket Money Tasks

This short video describes how to create a Standard Pocket Money Task.

A Standard Pocket Money Task is used when creating a new Pocket Money Task as it can be used as a template.

This way it becomes much faster in creating new Pocket Money Tasks.

Create ToDo Task

In this short video you will find a description on how to create a ToDo Task.